Temperature Indicators
We offer chemical and electronic indicators for simple pass or fail visual verification of temperatures maintained in transit.
Time Temperature Indicators
Our temperature indicators provide a simple verification that time temperature sensitive products have been shipped within acceptable limits. Operating our indicators requires no expert knowledge and enables you to rapidly identify when problems have occurred. Chemical time temperature indicators provide the best value for money and digital temperature indicators offer an advanced time temperature monitoring solution.
Types of Time Temperature Indicators
We offer a variety of temperature indicators, including omnidirectional chemical temperature indicators which change colour when predefined temperature thresholds are breached. Digital temperature indicators are bidirectional and can supplied preconfigured with multiple alerts levels to handle escalating issues and deliver a better understanding of what has occurred.
Descending Low Temperature Freeze Indicator
We offer descending freeze indicators which change colour once the trigger temperature threshold has been breached, which warns the recipient that goods encountered freezing temperatures in transit.
Ascending High Temperature Indicator
Our high temperature indicators show an elapsed time colour change when the temperature is above trigger threshold, helping the recipient to qualify the extent of the problem.
Digital Temperature Indicators
The digital temperature indicators can be defined by multiple alarms with cascading temperature triggers and duration limits. Their concise LCD displays indicate what has occurred in shipment and the direct USB connection provides a PDF report for audits and proof of delivery.
Cold Chain Monitoring
Want to find out more?
Please send us an email with details of your requirements or pick up the phone!

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