Laboratory Temperature Monitoring Systems
Collate, view, record and manage multiple inputs of temperature, humidity, pressure, light and gas data using the latest validated laboratory temperature monitoring systems.
Multiple laboratory appliance monitoring
We offer systems capable of collecting critical environmental data within appliances used to store time temperature sensitive products such as fridge or freezer monitoring systems. The appliances can be monitored within a single room and expandable into multiple rooms, buildings and geographical locations using existing I.T infrastructure or operating independently.
Multi-parameter laboratory monitoring system
Laboratories contain a wide range of appliances with specific set points and monitoring requirements. Our laboratory temperature monitoring systems deliver wireless application specific sensors designed to tackle these requirements.
-200 ~ +1400°C LN2 | Fridges | Freezers | Incubators | Ovens
Relative Humidity
0 ~100% Ambient | Incubator
Carbon Dioxide
0~200’000ppm Stability monitoring | Building services
Atmospheric and differential
0~130 klx 0~30 mW/cm2
Voltage & Current
Connect to 3rd party sensors delivering voltage or current outputs
Cloud based temperature monitoring
Up to the minute data accessible when and where ever you are in the world using hosted cloud services, supported with full featured PC analytical software.

Application specific probes connected and calibrated at multiple points in series with precision instrumentation, supplied with industry standard certificates and labels.

Application specific probes connected and calibrated at multiple points in series with precision instrumentation, supplied with industry standard certificates and labels.

Application specific probes connected and calibrated at multiple points in series with precision instrumentation, supplied with industry standard certificates and labels.

21 CFR Part II Compliance
Comply with FDA and MHRA regulations relating to data security and traceability using our validated 21 CFR Part 11 data logger software suites including core audit trail, data integrity check and digital signatures.
Benefits at a glance
Wireless Temperature Monitoring
Want to find out more?
Please send us an email with details of your requirements or pick up the phone!

Call 01929 459 459 if you just want to talk to somebody